Peacock Feathers
Throughout the centuries and up to the present day, the peacock has held endless fascination by virtue of its richly colored iridescent tail feathers.
These noble birds have a symbolism that varies from culture to culture. Watchfulness, protection, and awakening, seem to stem from the “eyes” in the individual feathers. The qualities of royalty and immortality echo the beliefs of the ancient Greeks. In Hinduism, the peacock represents patience, kindness and knowledge.
Over the centuries, peacock motifs have appeared in any number of forms and media. Actual feathers have been repurposed into items as diverse as jewelry, fans, and bow ties. From paintings to glass to textiles, artists and designers continue to draw inspiration from the regal bearing and uniquely feathered oculi of these remarkable birds.
Sondra Wiskari
Peacock feather fan, China, 1915 - and - Favrile glass vase, Louis C. Tiffany (1848-1933), New York, ca. 1900.